
Student Life

Epic adventures. Hundreds of ways to pursue your passions. Finding your forever friends. Welcome to the time of your life.

At Rollins, we want every student to enjoy a unique, comprehensive experience, and we understand that a major part of what makes each journey extraordinary is all the stuff that happens outside of the classroom. We pride ourselves on cultivating an open and inclusive campus, where people from all backgrounds are welcome and accepted. So come as you are, make friends, and know that you’ll be supported the entire way. We guarantee you’ll have the time of your life.

Your Best Life

From student support to campus dining, life at Rollins is rated among the best in the nation by experts and students alike.

  • Top25

    Student Support & Counseling Services in the Nation

    The Princeton Review
  • Top100

    Colleges with the Best Student Life in America

  • Top20

    Best Campus Food in the Nation

  • Top25

    Best Health Services in the Nation

    The Princeton Review

Start Your Journey to Rollins

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Making Friends at Rollins

Worried about making friends in college? Stop fretting and let your future classmates show you how easy it is to make friends when you join Rollins’ close-knit community.

Students making pottery.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging

Our campus is a true melting pot of identities and ideas, and we’re constantly reevaluating our campus culture to ensure we’re progressing with the moment. See how we’re committing to listening, learning, and serving our diverse community of learners.

Explore diversity at Rollins
Rollins community members playing jump rope.

Care, Health & Wellness

Our approach to wellness at Rollins is three-fold: First, our wellness center offers a full range of services to keep you healthy. Second, there’s a ton of ways to stay active on and off campus. Finally, we offer a range of activities designed around mental health and overall well-being.

Learn more about wellness initiatives
Students pose with the wooden fox statue representing Fox Day.


With more than a century of history behind us, we’ve built up some pretty special traditions over the years. These time-honored rituals help anchor Tars to the past as they build connections toward the future.

Discover a few of our favorite traditions

What will be on your Rollins Bucket List?

From jumping into Lake Virginia to studying abroad, explore the Rollins experiences that your future classmates say you should not miss out on. Check out their top must-dos and watch some of them cross an item off their list.

Rollins students walking to class.

Experience Rollins IRL

There’s no better way to learn more about Rollins than to experience it in real life.

Explore Tour Options